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Premium stomach acid relief

Acid reflux remedies with Zemaflux: Are you jolted awake at night by a sudden rush of stomach acid to the throat? Night-time acid reflux – These are the agonising symptoms of night-time acid reflux which can ruin your sleep and leave you exhausted the next day. The symptoms of night-time reflux can be banished by a few minutes daily exercises with Zemaflux. It treats the root cause – a weak sphincter valve. After a few sessions morning and night, the strength of your LES muscles can be improved and a leaky sphincter valve trained to seal the gap between your stomach and esophagus. Engineered for optimum reduction of acid reflux, this innovative medical device delivers real results. Find additional details on acid reflux remedies. Clinical studies show that inspiratory muscle training (IMT) effectively strengthens LES muscles. Zemaflux takes the guesswork out of IMT and delivers a user-friendly method of resistance training configured only for strengthening LES muscles.

In most cases, if your symptoms are primarily heartburn or acid regurgitation, your doctor can accurately diagnose GERD. However, testing may be required to confirm the diagnosis or to determine the degree of esophageal damage from GERD. Testing also rules out other possible causes of your symptoms. These tests may include an upper GI series, an upper GI endoscopy, and 24-hour pH monitoring. Other less frequently performed tests include the Bernstein test and esophageal manometry.

If you don’t suffer from GERD, you probably know someone who does. According to the National Institutes of Health, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a common condition where an estimated 20% of people in the United States suffer from the condition and its symptoms. General Surgeon Michael Murray, MD, Northern Nevada Medical Group, shares information on symptoms and treatment. If you think you may be suffering from GERD, take the self-assessment to determine if you might benefit from therapeutic intervention.

Another common symptom is a sensation of food or liquid coming up into the throat or mouth (regurgitation), especially when bending over or lying down. This can leave a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. While many Canadians experience occasional heartburn or regurgitation, these symptoms are frequent in persons with GERD who are not receiving adequate treatment. Individuals with GERD can also experience less common symptoms, including persistent sore throat, hoarseness, chronic coughing, difficult or painful swallowing, asthma, unexplained chest pain, bad breath, a feeling of a lump in the throat, and an uncomfortable feeling of fullness after meals. Find extra details at

What is acid reflux? Acid reflux (acid indigestion or heartburn) causes a burning pain in your chest. It develops when stomach acid travels (refluxes) up your esophagus (the pipe connecting your throat and stomach). When you swallow, food or drink goes down the esophagus into your stomach through a muscular ring — the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES stops food and stomach acid from escaping the stomach by closing when food enters the stomach. Stomach acid starts breaking down food to begin digestion. This acid is powerful, but the tissues lining your stomach can withstand its effects. The lining of your esophagus isn’t designed to cope with stomach acid, so when it refluxes, the acid burns your esophagus.

Heartburn isn’t usually serious on its own, but if you have it often, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This is a more serious form of acid reflux that can damage the body over time. Since heartburn and heart attacks can have similar symptoms, it is important to know how to tell the difference. There are a few ways you can tell the two apart – Location: You usually feel heartburn pain below or behind the breastbone. It may also spread to the neck and throat. Heart attack pain is usually felt in the center of the chest, but may also spread to the back, jaw and neck.