Business Tips Education Indigenous culture awareness news by Vince Salvadalena right now

Indigenous culture awareness news by Vince Salvadalena right now

Indigenous culture awareness trends by Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas today? Defining Native American culture is a difficult task not necessarily because the beliefs and customs that characterize this historic population are hard to comprehend but more due to the fact that Native Americans are an incredibly diverse population. Just as defining America would require examinations of culture from all over the country, Native American culture must examine different regions and tribes. Generally speaking, most cultures of Native Americans are very spiritual and group oriented in nature. Read additional information on

Vince Salvadalena about diversity and inclusion advice of the day : Internal communication ools can be of great help to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. You can create a web of inclusions in the form of stories or real-life incidents. It would help if you described it in a way that shows what makes them unique and posted on the online employee community platform of your company. As others see the previous posts, they look for self connections and add to the link. For example, one employee writes, “ India is my national origin.”, the next person who can relate to it adds, “I once visited India when I was a kid.” and so on… This activity allows coworkers to start a conversation on various topics and compare how they are the same or different.

And the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF) widened these disparities because Black women were more likely to work in occupations and sectors heavily affected by the economic downturn, such as health care and social services, educational services, retail, and accommodation and food services. Black women who stayed employed during the pandemic faced a disproportionate risk of virus exposure because they are overrepresented in essential work, working in close physical proximity to others, and paid less when in those roles. None of these disparities are accidental. They stem from the interlocking systems of white supremacy and sexism that permeate US institutions’ policies and practices. These forces shaped the historical devaluing of Black women’s labor for centuries.

Vince Salvadalena on native Americans and indigenous events in 2022 : April 3-5. 40th Native American Finance Officers Association annual conference, an in-person event in Seattle, Washington about “the support of the advancement of independent and culturally vibrant American Indian and Alaska Native communities. April 3-6. 40th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference, an in-person event in Orlando, Florida and virtual. Child welfare and well-being is addressed with keynote speakers from federal officials and youth who experienced child welfare systems.

Vince Salvadalena on numerous indigenous events are taking place in 2022 : 4th Annual Seminole Tribe of Florida Renewable Energy and Sustainability Conference, an in-person event in Hollywood, Florida with a virtual option. The conference will focus on the “newly changing landscape for tribal energy development and sustainability, including best practices, federal leadership, policy, and regulatory changes, funding a project, and project planning/development trends. Share the Mic: Indigenous Knowledge–Aboriginal Artists & Law, an online event by Fowler Museum at UCLA. It will consist of “Indigenous cultural ownership experts discuss the biggest challenges Indigenous Australians face protecting intellectual property.

Today, these festivals of thanksgiving to the Great Spirit and to nature for crops and life are still celebrated in homes, at Pow Wows, and on reservations. Many nations have thanked the Great Spirit for providing abundance after the first full moon of September. NOTE: The Harvest Thanksgiving Festival of Sukkoth is over 3,000 years old itself, Hebrew in origin, and celebrated by many Jews around the world, including in America. That would place their first celebration sometime around 1000+ BC, before the Spanish and English Settlers’ Thanksgivings in The New World in the 1500s and 1600s. Thankfulness for food and clothing makes sense in Asian and North American native cultures, just as good stewardship of all resources do. This is inherently Asian in nature and inherently Native American in nature.