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Hot tubs comprehensive guide

Hot tubs advices: Sometimes people lower the water temperature set point dramatically, usually to cool the water in the summer. The next thing they know, they are struggling to maintain water purity, and they think something is wrong because their spa no longer filters.

Here are some advices on how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. While those rules posted near public spas don’t seem exactly scientific, some just make good sense. Like not using the hot tub alone. If you’ve been drinking, take meds, have high or low blood pressure, or any other medical condition, it would be wise to wait for a companion to join you for a soak. Consult a doctor before using a hot tub regularly. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or other cardiovascular conditions should consult their physicians before using a spa. Same goes for any medical condition: don’t just consult an online medical site–get the OK from the doctor.

Advices for buying a hot tub : Acrylic is beautiful, durable, and versatile. Molds form it into contoured shapes for comfortable, form-fitting seating in a range of sizes. Supported by a frame, a wood or synthetic cabinet surrounds the spa. The equipment is completely contained within the surround. Acrylic hot tub prices vary from a few grand to over $15,000, but high prices don’t mean high value. Skip the dealer, buy online and get more tub for less money, without skimping on quality.

When ambient temperatures soar, your hot tub’s temperature can creep upward to uncomfortable levels. You can help cool things off by placing a pair of tennis balls between the acrylic shell and your hot tub cover at night. Opening things up a bit allows cooler night air to reach your water and help keep the water temperature down. You can also leave your hot tub cover open for 15 minutes or so after adding chemicals to let your spa release any lingering, potentially corrosive, gases. A quick breather can help protect your pillows, plastic parts, and cover from damage.

Speaking of regular spa care, a full cleaning of the waterline and surfaces can be done when the spa is drained, which should happen every 2-4 months. Just be sure not to use any old household cleaner or soap. If you are going to use any chemical on your spa surfaces, use something like our Spa Cleaner to keep out phosphates, nitrates and who knows what else. Find even more details on Hot Tub Services and Repairs in Colorado.

But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : The Lifesmart Rock Solid as the name suggests has a heavy-duty sandstone eco thermal plastic construction. This solid construction makes it not only durable but allows it to be a truly plug and play set up and install. This hot tub is ideal for couples and has an energy efficient motor coupled with 13 powerful jets that produce relaxing massages that are sure to relax and soothe sore muscles. Great value for the price this Lifesmart is a smart choice if you are looking for a hot tub that is basic, sturdy and affordable.

The only weekly hot tub maintenance chore is “shocking” the water with sanitizer. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, hitting your tub with an extra strong dose of the sanitizer once a week is an easy way to keep your water clear and crystal clean. Besides shocking your tub, other weekly maintenance rituals are specific to your water type and how often you use your spa. Foaming can be a problem if you use your spa regularly, and can be easily solved by pouring a small amount of foam reducer into the water once a week. And if you live in an area with high calcium or mineral content, you might want to hit your water with a de-scaling agent once a week as well. It will prevent mineral buildup in your pumps, hoses, and on the walls of the hot tub itself. One of the most important things you can do to increase the longevity of your spa cover is to remove it at least twice per week. Use a spa cover lifter to completely remove it, or if you don’t have a spa cover lift, gently place it off the spa. Give your cover a few hours to breathe and shake off some of the constant heat and moisture. This is also a good time to add chemicals or shock the spa if you aren’t using it at the time.